Saturday, July 23, 2016

Why I Love: Jenna Mourey

I was introduced to Jenna Mourey/Marbles in high school by a close friend, and at the time I wasn't very open minded. Her videos' content would have been viewed as extremely inappropriate by my parents, so I didn't find her to be funny at all, though my friend clearly did. I'm sad to say that I was appalled by her swearing and sexual innuendos.
Fast forward a few years, and I am discovering youtube and what it has to offer to me as I try to escape my sheltered childhood. I remember Jenna and decide to look her up. In the next year, I spent a large chunk of my free time laughing at her antics and expanding my knowledge of life outside my box. I learned many wonderful things, like how people enjoy having sex, and how life goes on if you use the word "fuck." These may not seem like significant revelations, but to Jay a few years ago, they meant the world, and her brand of humor was exactly what I needed to help me through my depression that year.
Another thing I adore about Jenna is that she is the weirdest of weird, and displays this to the entire world. Exhibits A and B should demonstrate that quite adequately, and there are many more where those came from. I certainly haven't enjoyed all of her videos, but she is so incredibly authentic in her unique Jenna way, and as someone who has been made to feel ashamed about my weirdness in the past, I will always be inspired by her willingness to put it all out there and make people laugh. I know that I'm not the only one to be grateful for her "internet friendship."
Jenna Mourey, this is why I love you.
Another one for the road:

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