Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Series: Why I Love

Hey internet. I have arrived in California, and I am overjoyed. All the stress I was feeling is mostly gone, and I am so excited to be in this gorgeous place so close to the ocean. Now that the freaking out  is over, I am ready to start a new chapter in my blog! (I also have a new phone named Lakshmi.)
Okay, so all bloggers have to have a thing, right? A unique topic type thing. I plan on continuing with my random blurb deal, as I rather enjoy it, but I have also thought of a series of sorts to write regularly ish. I call it Why I Love, and basically I'm going to talk about why I love different celebrities.
I'm not into the whole celebrity gossip fascination, as it is very judgmental and negative, so I am going to say nice things about famous people. Only ones that deserve it, though, there will be no Kardashian endorsement or shallow fangirling over attractive people. The people I'll be writing about have inspired me and made the world a better place. They have used their fame to do great things, and I love them for it. Stay tuned!
Sending lots of California waves of golden sunshine,

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